One full week down!!

We all made it through one full week of first grade!! The kids have been fantastic first graders. We have been really working on routines and procedures in the classroom so our year will run smoothly! Be sure to always check your child’s planner for any notes I have written or your child has written. This is the best way to communicate because I check them every morning for a note from you and/or your signature indicating that you checked their message and checked their behavior report (sticker, stamp, note).

This week we will begin Guided Reading Stations and Math Stations. This will take most of the week to learn expectations and guidelines for this. I will begin reading with each student to try to find their exact reading levels. This could take up to 2+ weeks. On Monday, they will begin bringing home their book and reading log. This will come with directions for you. The book they bring home may be too easy or too hard. Remember I haven’t found their reading levels yet. If it’s too easy, have them read it several times to improve fluency. If it is too hard, then help them read it or read it to them. This home reading will be their daily homework. Sometimes,  they will have math homework. There will always be a note in the planner about the homework and hopefully (if I stay on top of it) a blog post.

Look for the first 5 spelling words coming home in the planner this week! We will have spelling test every two weeks with a total of 10 words to know how to read, write, and spell. The words are words that will be found in EVERY book they ever read and every story they will write. Knowing how to read, write, and spell these words will make their reading more fluent and writing easier.

Our first spelling test will be September 12.

  1. the
  2. and
  3. a
  4. of
  5. you

I have enjoyed meeting your children and look forward to teaching them this year. Always feel free to email me if you have questions or concerns. Some parents have donated things for the class; snacks, cardstock, and other items. Thank you to all who helped in this way. It really is appreciated by the kids and myself!!

There will be an upcoming Parent Orientation in the month of September! When the teachers find out the date and time, I will let you know! It will make the world of difference if you can attend!!

We Can Be the Difference,

Lacey James

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About Ms. James

Hello!! My name is Lacey James and I am so excited for this year!! I am a fourth year teacher and am so blessed to be teaching at White Oak where it is filled with love and care! I have a wonderful family, an amazing boyfriend, a super awesome dog, and great friends that support me and have molded me into the woman I am today. I love to go to the movies and to paint and go fishing! I also love music, animals, and the outdoors. My favorite color is purple and I love Chinese food and sushi. I absolutely love teaching and can't wait to guide these kiddos into exploration, imagination, and learning. You will be amazed at how much your child will grow and learn in 1st grade. I am super excited to meet you and your kiddo! If you ever want to talk or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Let's make this school year GREAT!! :)

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