Halloween and this week


Tomorrow Primary students may dress up for halloween. If your child participates be sure there is no gore, masks, or props brought to school. The costumes must be within dress code.

We will be having a fun-filled Halloween day based off of STEM projects and fun Halloween activities.

Wednesday. Nov. 1— will be a half day for teacher professional development. We will release at 11:30 so if there are any changes, please note them in the planner!! This is very crucial for half days.

Spelling: THESE WORDS are very tricky. but, what, all, were, when

In phonics skills we are wrapping up diagraphs- sh, th, wh, ch and starting plurals (adding s or es to word to mean more than one)

Math- Combinations and missing addends.

Social studies- American Symbols

Science- Pumpkin life cycle and planting our very own pumpkins!!


Here are some pictures of our superheroes from last week!

The League Of Extraordinary 1st Graders!!!!

These capes are so cute! Some even got creative with jackets!!

Superman has a lot of look-a-likes


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About Ms. James

Hello!! My name is Lacey James and I am so excited for this year!! I am a fourth year teacher and am so blessed to be teaching at White Oak where it is filled with love and care! I have a wonderful family, an amazing boyfriend, a super awesome dog, and great friends that support me and have molded me into the woman I am today. I love to go to the movies and to paint and go fishing! I also love music, animals, and the outdoors. My favorite color is purple and I love Chinese food and sushi. I absolutely love teaching and can't wait to guide these kiddos into exploration, imagination, and learning. You will be amazed at how much your child will grow and learn in 1st grade. I am super excited to meet you and your kiddo! If you ever want to talk or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Let's make this school year GREAT!! :)

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