Friday is our first Pep Rally for the year. There are some serious things we have to do to make sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.
First! Your child MUST have a note to be excused for the Pep Rally at 2:30. Send a note or write in planner.
Second! This is going to be a busy time of the day with all of the parents coming to get their child. Please be sure to be patient and understanding of the rules and helpers. Pep Rallies start at 3:00 in the High School Gym.
Also, I am loving hearing about lil football players and lil cheerleaders along with gymnasts and soccer players. Please send me a schedule of the games so I can attend! It is one of my favorite things and I want them to know I support them outside of school and want to see what else they are good at.
Thank you so much for all that you do!!
Lacey Hart