Upcoming Dates

Hello all!

First, math homework tonight. Spelling words are in the planner. We are learning diagraphs (ch,sh,wh,th) and about owls. We are continuing to work on number sense, comparing and ordering numbers, and combinations (1+7=8 4+4=8 6+2=8)in math.


Lots of upcoming important dates this month.

Friday Oct. 19- No school. Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day

Report cards go out next week.

Next week is Red Ribbon Week. You don’t have to go all-out for any of these 😉

Monday- Wear Red

Tuesday- Dress in a sports jersey for any sports team. 

Wednesday- Pajama Days

Thursday- Crazy sock and hair day

Friday- White Oak Spirit Day

A book order has come home with your child and will be due Oct 30. Please order online code: NGZ2m or send check only. Book orders are a great way to promote books of your child’s interests and a great way to create a favorite character or genre.

October 30- Student Led Conferences. Please sign up for a time, or I will assign you one to fill the slots during the school day. If you are unable to come, someone on staff will be sitting in with your child for their “show off” moment.

October 31- You may dress as a Story Book Character. No gore or blood. Also Early Release 11:30.

This all I can think of for now! And I know this is a lot!! Any questions, please feel free to ask!!

Reminder- Read every night. If no book is in folder because they forget, any book is okay for credit. Thank you or all you do!