Hopefully everyone is well. A lot of sickness is spreading through our halls. Help your kiddos remember to wash hands, use hand sanitizer, and sneeze into their elbow.
Friendly reminder to please send any valentine’s by the 14th. We will need all valentine’s passed out prior to the party. If you are bringing special goodies for the party those may be passed out as a party favor or party snack.
Book orders are coming home today and are due Friday. I have purchased each student A Bad Case of Stripes as their valentine gift from me, just so you know instead of purchasing it yourself.
Valentine Party is Thursday, at 11:45
We have learned about nouns, and adjectives (describing words) and this week we are beginning verbs (action, I can words).
In math we are focusing on ways to make 10, reviewing time, and reviewing halves and fourths. They are working very hard.
In writing, we will begin writing friendly letters to peers in our school. We continue to work on penmanship, punctuation, and what makes a good story.
As you know, I have flexible seating in the classroom and your child may sit wherever they would like unless your child abuses the furniture, is unkind to someone at their table, or can’t control their talking.
In science we will be covering president’s day and American symbols.
Spelling words: so, some, these, would, other, now, my, people, into, has
Spelling Test- Next Tuesday
Thanks for all you do. Please feel free to contact me about ANYTHING.