To show support to Athens ISD during this very difficult time, White Oak ISD invites all students and staff to wear MAROON on Monday. #WOISDcares |
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Hip, Hip Hooray It’s the 100th day and CHAMPS assembly Info
Can you belive next Tuesday will be the 100th day!?!? 100 days of learning and growing! Academically. Socially. Physically. Your children have amazed me in every way!! I am proud of them! Below is a sign up for the fun activities we have for the 100th day!! It’s a pretty big deal!!
Also we take the stage next Friday, Feb 1 for our CHAMPS assembly. It starts promptly at 8:00 a.m Be there early for a great seat!
Our character trait to teach is KINDNESS!!!!! It’ll be a fun one to do!
I have been out for wisdom teeth surgery and my dad had a pacemaker put in this week as well. All is great in both areas! I am so thankful for your patience AND truly in awe of how great the kids have been for subs and how flexible they have been with the changes!I have missed them dearly and they make me smile so big every day!
Thanks for all you do!
-Mrs. Hart
This weeks CHAMPS:
This week
I will be returning to school tomorrow! I’m sorry I was out. That wisdom teeth surgery was no joke. lol
This week will be a little different due to early release and my absence.
Early release tomorrow at 11:30 for PLC training for teachers. Student will release at 11:30. No Boys and Girls club. PLEASE make changes in transportation notes in the planner.
100th day of school on Tuesday the 29th (will be needing a little help from my friends to donate)I will do a sign up for a few fun things that I will be needing for our 100th day of school soon!!!
Feb 1st- CHAMPS Assembly when we are on stage!! 8:00am
Valentine’s Day Party on the 14th (will also be needing a little help). If there is anyone willing to head up the Valentine’s Day Party please let me know!!!! This one is less maintenance because of all the valentines they can read.
Spelling: We will be having a spelling test on Thursday with these words–will, each, about, how, up, out, them, then, she, many.
The new spelling words for the next two weeks will be– some, so, these, would, other, into, has, more, her, two. Please remember to practice these words having fun! Also all words learned before are held accountable in independent writing and spelling tests for spelling grades. The more hands-on you make these words the more concrete they become.
Phonics: We have covered so much the past few weeks. We will continue to work on vowel teams, blends, vowels– both long and short, word families, etc… We will begin nouns, adjectives, and verbs over the next few weeks.
Math: The focus over the next two weeks will be telling time (hour and half hour) and fractions. We will always continue focusing on addition, subtraction, and word problem strategies. Please work on plus 1 and minus 1 with your babies. We will also be touching on counting coins in the very near future so if you want a jump start go ahead! 🙂
Writing: Our focus is on story elements (beginning, middle, end, characters, problems, solution) and punctuation. They are improving so much on their stories. Writing is hard because there is so much to remember but I am so proud of them!!!
Science/Social Studies: Arctic animals and Arctic climate! We will be learning and having fun over the next few weeks.
Last weeks CHAMP Award Winners:
Kinsler- Car Pickup Champ
Lawsyn- Always Showing Honesty
Aubrey- Reading Every Night
If you are wanting to conference, talk, catch up, have any concerns,or just have ask any questions let me know and I will be happy to meet with you or schedule a conference in person or over the phone.
As always, I am here if you have any questions!!!
<3 L. Hart
CHAMPS Assembly Date
We will take the stage — February 1, 2019
Hopefully you all can make it.
January 14-18
Hello! Welcome back! Sorry I am just now getting to blog. Last week was a whirlwind!
I hope you all had a great break! Thank you to anyone who helped in anyway to make our classroom Christmas party so awesome! Thank you Mrs. Soliz for organizing. And a super thank you to everyone who got me the most thoughtful gifts! I have enjoy every single one and will continue to enjoy them. Y’all were all too kind and I appreciate it!
We had a great first week back and welcomed two new students to our classroom. Tucker and Evelyn are adjusting nicely, but as a class, we definitely need to remember to help them and be kind while they learn the ropes!
We have 10 spelling words: will, each, about, how, up, out, then, them, she, many. Our spelling test will be next Tuesday.
Math: Since last week we have been measuring objects with nonstandard units such as cubes, tiles, and paperclips. The students have been working on finding the longest side, measuring from end to end, counting the units, and recording how long. The students have also been using the vocabulary, longer than, shorter than, longest, and shortest. We will continue this week.
Science: Winter has been out focus, and changes that happen in winter. We have also been talking about animal behavior in winter.
Phonics: We have been making several charts of vowel teams: ea, ee, oo, ai, ay and so on…The students see these words in book while reading, and we are trying to get them comfortable with them working together to make a word make sense.
CHAMPS assemblies have started. You are more than welcome to attend these on Fridays at 8:00 a.m. We will not be on stage until later this year so please be respectful of the parents of the students on stage. Maybe be aware of seating, so they can see and hear their student. Not every student will get an award every time. Students can receive awards all over the school by any teacher or aide. Some examples are– hallway champ, cafeteria champ, a classroom champ, or a student may be noticed by amazing academics or kindness. I always take pictures of the students that get awards.
However, I will not be at school this Friday due to having my wisdom teeth removed. (FREAKING OUT) haha but I will try to have a coworker get pictures of the winners.
These were last Friday’s CHAMPS:
Next Monday Jan 21 is a holiday for MLK so—- no school.
Winter Break Reading Challenge
Over the break there will be a reading challenge. The note and directions will be coming home today.
For every activity, your kiddo must read 15 minutes. After the challenge is complete, cut and paste a marshmallow to the cocoa mug.
When it is returned Jan 8th, all kids with a full cocoa mug will receive a prize.
Please read over the break to keep momentum rolling~
No backpacks needed.
Set up for Christmas Party 8:30.
Party at 9-10.
Early release 11:30—If you have a change in transportation, please note in planner
Thank you
Santa came to school today and Mrs. Hart’s class was on his list. Santa had us make a promise to keep up our good work at school and to leave him delicious milk and cookies! Santa told us to make sure we try extra hard to make the nice list!!
Here are those sweeties enjoying and being happy to see Santa Claus!!!
December, already!?!?
Time is flying!!
We will be testing for end of semester reading levels over the next couple of weeks. Remember, a level 10 is the December first grade reading expectation. Your child will be bringing home self choice books because of the testing week. They may also read books from home.
New reading logs are coming home.
Our Christmas party will be on Thursday, December 20th at 9:00. Gaby Soliz is volunteering with organizing/planning/fun and games for this fun day. Thank you Gaby!! If you would like to help and are not contacted by her soon, let me know and I will get you in touch with her. I would also like to do a coloring book exchange this year for them to give to one another. Please do not spend more than a few dollars (I know the dollar store has some cute ones). Boys buy for boys and girls buy for girls.
Spelling words: which, their, said, if, do, will, we, there, can, an, your Please have fun while practicing these words at home. There and Their are so tricky for them. I make a poster with them and I draw a person out of the “i” in their to make the connection with possession, or belonging to a person, and we link there to a place Where? Over “there”.
Math: We will continue to build up our addition and subtraction strategies and begin to use bigger numbers. We are learning how to do a survey, collect data, and create different types of graphs using this information.
Writing: In Writers Workshop they will continue writing stories about anything they’d like. They are all at different stages of writing which is what makes this time so fun. We are really focusing on what details we need in a story to make it a great story.
Thank you! Don’t hesitate to text anytime.
Welcome Back!!
I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing and restful Thanksgiving Holiday!! It was nice to see everyone’s smiling faces this morning.
First thing: Temperatures are cold and we go out for recess, before noon and before it heats up. Please be aware of temperatures and know that we will be going outside if temperature meets requirements and our babies need to be warm!
We have new spelling words: we, there, can, an, your
Math- continuing subtraction, and learning graphs and taking data and surveys
Writing- Starting with letters to Santa which will be featured in the newspaper. Then continuing to make our stories better and better with details, beg, mid, and end. We will also start really making all kiddos stay on topic throughout writing.
Science- Christmas and Reindeer Research.
**Christmas Party**- From my beginning of the year sign up, No one had volunteered to be a room mother. If you would like to head-up the Christmas party, please let me know. I have a full list of volunteers to make planning go smoothly. It won’t be all on our room mom (just incase you’re nervous) hahaha 🙂
The excitement of Christmas and Santa is in the air!! I love it!!
Thanksgiving Festivities–Pictures
Don’t forget! Readers’ Theater tomorrow at 12:00. You can sign them out afterward!!
Have a safe, relaxin, fun Holiday Week!!
Today we made homemade butter just like the pilgrims!!….well kind of! We all worked together to SHAKE the whipping cream until it was butter!! Then we got to eat it on some rolls!! We also had out candlelight Thanksgiving Feast as a class! We also have been making Turkey Hideouts to protect the turkey from getting eaten!
It was a great day!!