Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween from our favorite kiddos!!

We made trEAts and learned about the vowel team -EA

and had a great day of candy corn math!!

The book coming home with them -“There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bat” is theirs to keep!

Have a safe and happy Halloween!












Halloween Week

Happy Halloween Week!!!

This week is already off to a fun and crazy start and will only get crazier.

Today we carved a pumpkin and wrote “how to carve a pumpkin” in order using  our order words: first, next, then, and last

The class voted to name it… Piper Pumpkin

With conferences all day tomorrow and halloween being a half day, I will not be able to read with many groups. Please be aware that your child will be bringing home a “self choice” book. This means they read a book from school, or home, or be read to for their homework. Record this in the reading log please.

Spelling words for the next two weeks are but, what, all, were, when, we, can, there, an, you

Phonics- vowel teams:  oo, ea, oa, ee, etc.

In math, continuing shapes, attributes of shapes, and manipulating shapes to make other known shapes.

Writing, we finished and illustrated our spooky class story and it is in the hall. You can look at it tomorrow after we have our conferences. 🙂 They did so well!! We will continue to work on a beg, mid, and end to a story alllllll year along with adding details and using our spelling words, blends, and diagraphs correctly in our writing.

Thank you to all the parents who sent supplies for our fun halloween activities!! I appreciate it, and so do the kids!!

Remember only story book characters for our dress up day on Halloween

No blood or gore, please.

Thanks! See you tomorrow!


We are a team!

As a team the kids work together to receive whole-group compliments. This can be a compliment from another teacher, principal, or cafeteria monitor. They receive them all over the building from the hallway, classroom, or great behavior around the school. Our goal is always 20 total. Each time they get a compliment, a critter goes in the jar! Today they earned their 20 critters…. and on a great day! TEAM UP day!! They got an extra recess and a yummy treat!! They are a great group!!






This week

Red Ribbon week is in full swing.

Tuesday- Wear your favorite jersey or team shirt

Wednesday- wear school appropriate PJs

Thursday- Crazy sock day

Friday- Roughneck day–Spirit Day

I will send a reminder home for the Student Led conferences on October 30th with your time that you signed up for on it this week.

Report cards are going home this week.

Students can dress up on Halloween day as their favorite book character.  Remember this is a half day… 11:30 dismissal for the students. No visitors for lunch that day.

Spelling/Phonics:  We will have a spelling test Tuesday on the words: be, this, from, I , have, or, by, one, had, not. Spelling preview is going home tonight.Please continue reviewing ALL spelling words as each test goes back and reviews old words too.  We have learned vowels, blends, digraphs and this week we will work on ABC Order.  The week of Halloween we will focus on vowel teams.

Math:  We will continue working on adding sets, numerical order, greater than less than, and counting and identifying numbers to 120.  We will add in 2 dimensional shapes.

Writing:  We have been working on a spooky story in class.  The kids should be, at this point, beginning their stories with a capital letter, using finger spaces, and starting to understand what actually makes a story.  They should be using their word wall to make sure they are spelling their word wall words correctly.

Science/Social Studies:  We will wrap up our study on nocturnal animals next week and we will also be doing some fun Halloween activities.

Upcoming Dates

Hello all!

First, math homework tonight. Spelling words are in the planner. We are learning diagraphs (ch,sh,wh,th) and about owls. We are continuing to work on number sense, comparing and ordering numbers, and combinations (1+7=8 4+4=8 6+2=8)in math.


Lots of upcoming important dates this month.

Friday Oct. 19- No school. Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day

Report cards go out next week.

Next week is Red Ribbon Week. You don’t have to go all-out for any of these 😉

Monday- Wear Red

Tuesday- Dress in a sports jersey for any sports team. 

Wednesday- Pajama Days

Thursday- Crazy sock and hair day

Friday- White Oak Spirit Day

A book order has come home with your child and will be due Oct 30. Please order online code: NGZ2m or send check only. Book orders are a great way to promote books of your child’s interests and a great way to create a favorite character or genre.

October 30- Student Led Conferences. Please sign up for a time, or I will assign you one to fill the slots during the school day. If you are unable to come, someone on staff will be sitting in with your child for their “show off” moment.

October 31- You may dress as a Story Book Character. No gore or blood. Also Early Release 11:30.

This all I can think of for now! And I know this is a lot!! Any questions, please feel free to ask!!

Reminder- Read every night. If no book is in folder because they forget, any book is okay for credit. Thank you or all you do!



Student Led Conferences

On October 30th we will be doing student led conferences. This is a new way we are doing conferences!  This is a day that your child, you, and myself will get to spend 15-20 minutes showing off  their work, explaining how our day works, and setting a few goals with you.

Please sign up here with your name and your child’s name~


If for some reason this time doesn’t work for you please let me know as soon as possible!  I will try to work with you but we only have the one day and, unless another parent needs a different time, it will be very difficult.