I’m sure your sweeties have been out enjoying the snow! I stepped out just long enough to build a baby snowman and attempted sledding. Then right back in for coffee and blankets!

This week we are having a fundraiser “Coins for Olivia” which is a coworker’s daughter and a White Oak Student. I sent a note home Friday with more deatils.

Please send donations and spare change and participate in these dress up days,

Wednesday, January 17th – “Thinking About Olivia” – wear hats

Thursday, January 18th – “Hugs to Olivia” – bring a stuffed animal to hug all day

Friday, January 19th – “Wishing Sweet Dreams to Olivia” – students may wear dress code appropriate pajamas and tennis shoes to school

Wednesday, January 24th – Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day – “Purple All Over” – WEAR PURPLE!

This campaign or the daily themed activities are not mandatory. If you are not able to donate, please keep this family in your prayers.

With the short week, I will update later this week or over the weekend with learning and upcoming lessons.

We started CHAMPs assembly this past Friday and will continue every Friday until May.

Students are rewarded for academics, behavior, and progress around the school. Anyone can be awarded by any employee of the school! These are this week’s CHAMPs award winners.


Have a great day! Stay warm, stay safe, and GO MAKE A SNOW ANGEL!!

Happy 2018

I can’t believe we have completed half of our school year. Each child has improved so much!! It really is cool to see how far they’ve come!

This week:

Word Work: Students will be working with  /vowel-r/ blends such as: /ar/ /er/ /ir/ /or/ /ur/. Please notice how your child begins to use these in their reading and writing.

Guided Reading: Look for different levels of books to come home for nightly reading. Encourage your child to push forward and use meaning to figure out difficult words.

Students will be continuing penmanship and spelling this week. Please look for this week’s words to come home in their planner.


Math: Students will begin discovering measurement in length by using non-standard units.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

January 15th – MLK School Holiday

January 24th – Early Student Release at 11:30 for Teacher In-Service


Happy New Year!

-Mrs. Hart

Wrapped Puzzles Are Due And Bring A Board Game To Play

Tomorrow is our last full day of school for 2017. I can’t believe it!

Please send your wrapped puzzles. Please do not wait til the day of the party. I will need to be sure everyone will have a puzzle before Wednesday.

We will be doing some fun Christmas things tomorrow and I was also going to have part of our day be a board game day!

If you would like to send a game, be sure your child knows how to play so he/she can teach their friends.

Tuesday Dec. 19th is Pajama Day and early release 11:45

Wednesday Dec. 20th is party day- Set up (8:30) Party (9-10) Lunch will be at 10:10 with early release at 11:45

Please make arrangements for your child. If you need alternate transportation arrangements, please make note in the planner.

I love this time of year! I hope to see everyone soon! May you all have a blessed and Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!


‘Tis the season…for FLU

We will be doing serious sanitizing from now until school lets out for break. Feel free to send lysol, lysol wipes, or hand sanitizer. As always, water bottles with a screw tight lid are allowed in class with water only.

Over 100 students were out between the primary and intermediate campuses with the flu. This is that time of year. If your child has a temperature, please keep your sweetie home and get them well. No one wants to be sick over the holidays!

Also, there is a spelling test tomorrow. The spelling preview was sent home to review and study. Remember, past words will be on the test as well.

*Wrapped*Puzzle reminder: Boys bring puzzles for a boy and Girls bring puzzles for a girl. We will exchange at the party. If you are unable to get a puzzle by this Friday, please let me know so it can be provided.

The remainder of the week in MATH will be review with addition, subtraction, surveys, and combinations.

In guided reading: Testing for levels in reading for the semester.

Science: Reindeer and reindeer facts

We also are having a GRINCH week, so this week so all of our stations and activities are centered around the Classic Dr. Seuss book!

Tuesday Dec 19th- Pajama Day- 11:45  Early dismissal

Wednesday Dec 20th- Party Day- Set up 8:30- Party 9-10-  11:45 Early Dismissal

Jan. 4th Return to school




The countdown is ON!!! Christmas is nearing and we have some important dates to remember!

Upcoming dates to remember:

TONIGHT– Is the White Oak Christmas Parade

Dec. 19th- Early Release Day for students at 11:45 Lunch will be early also. No parents eating with children, please. This is also the Primary’s Pajama Day.

Dec. 20th- Christmas Party at 9:00. Early Release Day @ 11:45

Christy Clinnard has volunteered to be our Christmas Party Room Mother!! HUGE thanks to her! She will be heading it up, but will also be calling the parents that volunteered food, supplies, and goodie bags from the beginning of the year to help. If you have any ideas or want to contact her with anything her number is (903)241-5544. I’m sure we will have an amazing party!

All parents are welcome to the party as well!

Students will be exchanging 50-100 piece puzzles at the party. Boys exchange with boys/Girls exchange with girls. These can be found from $1-$5 at dollar stores, Target, and/or Walmart. A note about this will come home this week.


Thank you for everything you do!!!!!!

Mrs. Hart

Blue-Out for Brock Tomorrow

Gladewater ISD and White Oak HS have dedicated tomorrow as a “Blue-Out for Brock” day. We are going to join in the battle!
Hashtags being used include #battleforbrock and #prayforbrock
 Let us join together in the spirit of brotherhood and support for our neighbors and Brock, whose mother is a former Roughneck. Being able to support others in a time of need is a large part of who we are and what we represent at WOISD.
It’s battle time, so get your blue on tomorrow! Blue socks, shirts, pants, shoes (no blue hair or face paint) are urged!
This is a very busy and exciting time of year but there is still A LOT to learn, and the expectations are still high for the kids.
In math: Subtraction, combinations, and surveys will be covered until Christmas break.
Guided reading will continue.
-ed -es endings will be reviewed and taught along with reviewing diagraphs
Spelling words for this past week and next week are: do, if, their, said, which, will, each, about, how, up
Social studies-we will be learning about traditions and the holiday season.
Science- we will be doing experiments and recording what we observe.
 Dec 20th is our Christmas Party at 9:00 am!
If you would like to be a room mother for our Christmas Party, Valentine’s Day Party, or Easter Party please email me and we will sort out which party.
Thanks for all you do!

This week!

Hello everyone!! Only one more school week until Turkey Time!!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated canned goods and food! It is such a beautiful thing to help those in need.

TOMORROW is the BIG DAY!! Reader’s Theater will take place tomorrow at 11:30 in our classroom! You are in for a treat because these kids have worked so hard and are doing so well! Thanks to all the parents helping at home!

PLEASE enter through the PRIMARY entrance door tomorrow for our program! Thank you!

We will be preparing for our Thanksgiving 1st grade Feast on Thursday. WOP asks that you not eat with your child on  Thursday November 16th,  as it is a special day for togetherness with their classmates.

There will be sub later this week. Incase of emergency or schedule/bus changes please call the

PRIMARY OFFICE: (903)291-2160



Readers’ Theater and Upcoming Week

The readers’ theater parts have been assigned and should be practiced at home …and we will practice during school for the music part of the performance.

Please be sure the students have the parts rehearsed to be read LOUD and CLEAR so they can be heard and understood during the performance.

As I said in the note home, we will be performing TUESDAY, Nov. 14th, at 11:30. Other 1st grade classes will be performing Friday, but I will be out of town so we have moved ours to Tuesday. I will continue to send out reminders.


This week in phonics skills we will be learning to add -s and -es to the end of words to make them plural.

In addition to reading their parts, we will be practicing in guided reading and sending home new books. Please continue to read every night and sign the log.

In math we are starting subtraction. This is another reason reading is so important so they can locate key words in math problems to know whether to add or subtract. (take away, gave away, ate, how many are left?)

In Social Studies we are learning more about American Symbols along with Thanksgiving History.

In science we will be doing STEM activities to shelter and protect our turkey so he won’t get eaten for dinner.

Spelling words: but,what, all, were, when, we, there, can, an, your (once again, tricky set of words. Please work and find ways to practice to better your child’s spelling of High Frequency Words.)

I am thankful for all of YOU and I am thankful for each day with your sweeties!