Welcome Back!!

I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing and restful Thanksgiving Holiday!! It was nice to see everyone’s smiling faces this morning.

First thing: Temperatures are cold and we go out for recess, before noon and before it heats up. Please be aware of temperatures and know that we will be going outside if temperature meets requirements and our babies need to be warm!

We have new spelling words: we, there, can, an, your

Math- continuing subtraction, and learning graphs and taking data and surveys

Writing- Starting with letters to Santa which will be featured in the newspaper. Then continuing to make our stories better and better with details, beg, mid, and end. We will also start really making all kiddos stay on topic throughout writing.

Science- Christmas and Reindeer Research.

**Christmas Party**- From my beginning of the year sign up, No one had volunteered to be a room mother. If you would like to head-up the Christmas party, please let me know. I have a full list of volunteers to make planning go smoothly. It won’t be all on our room mom (just incase you’re nervous) hahaha  🙂


The excitement of Christmas and Santa is in the air!! I love it!!

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