Early Release 11:30 Wednesday

Early release is scheduled for 11:30 tomorrow for teacher training. Please make arrangements for any changes in transportation in the planner!

Also March 8th your sweeties will be in a program. They have all worked very hard to learn songs, speaking parts, and their entertainment for you! I hope you all can make it! It will be at 9:00 a.m.


Last week our class received the coveted GOLDEN FORK in the cafeteria!! This is a huge honor for our Primary School! This means we have been using manners and working hard on our cafeteria behavior!

Short week but lots to learn!


I hope you all enjoyed your extended weekend as we celebrate Presidents Day. This week, we will be discussing presidents from the past; as well as, the present.

I can’t believe how fast time is flying!! I know you’ve seen  your kids learning so much and improving!

Word Work: Students will continue to review and use nouns, adjectives, and verbs in their writing. We will also be discussing antonyms (opposites) which will help with new words and definitons.

Math: As we continue telling time to the hour and 1/2 hour and adding same coins, we will be using patterns to associate with skip counting.

There will be no new spelling this week, and our test will be Thursday! two, her, more, has, other, like, him, time, see, could

Upcoming dates to remember:

Feb. 28 – Early student release at 11:30

Mar. 8 – First Grade play at 9:00. You should have receives a letter from Ms. Ricthey

Mar. 12-16 – Spring Break WHOOP WHOOP!

Mar. 19 – Student Holiday/Staff Training

Mar. 20 – Spring Pictures

Enjoy your week!

Lacey Hart

Please No Lunch Visitors 2-14

There will be a lot of hustle and bustle going on tomorrow with all of the Valentine parties going on. Please do not eat lunch with your sweetheart prior to the party. If you would like to help set up with our party instead, that would be perfect!! I know y’all love those sweet little Valentine’s but our cafeteria is only so big. Our party will start at 11:15.  You can take them home after the party if you want to.  There will be a sign out sheet by my door


Valentine’s Week <3

Our Valentine Party will be this Wednesday, the 14th at 11:15. Set up begins at 10:45. We will be ready to party right after lunch. We hope you all can come. You will be free to check them out following the party. We made Valentine bag at school to collect our valentines.

This week in class:

Word work: Students will add verbs to their list of parts of speech. These will be related to the nouns and adjectives in their reading and writing.

Guided reading will continue. Please continue to read every night! And books from home may also be included on the log! Limit 2 spaces per night. They are working to fill those reading logs for that PIZZZAAAAA

Spelling/Writing: . New spelling words will come home on Monday and the test will be  next Tuesday.

Words are: two, her, more, has, other, like, him, see, time, could. Parents, it is very important that students study these words at home as well as at school along with ones previously from the beginning of the year until now.

Math: Last week and continuing through the next couple weeks, students will be practicing time to the hour and 1/2 hour, identifying the name and value of coins, and problem solving with addition and subtraction. I encourage you to practice time on an analog clock and counting and naming coins.

Social Studies: We have started teeth awareness and learning about teeth and reading Valentine’s Day books. We will begin to read and learn about presidents of the past and present. This will continue through next week.

Dates to Remember:

February 19: President’s Day Holiday

February 28: Early Student Release at 11:30/ Teacher Training


Thanks for all you do!

Lacey Hart

Graded Papers and Valentine Note

Graded papers are coming home today. Please take time to go over these papers with your child for guidance and/or praise.

A Valentine’s Day Party note is coming home as well. If you plan to send valentines please be sure all 18 kids in our class receive one. Name will be on the note. First name only, is acceptable.  Christy Clinnard is the room mother for this party and will be contacting her list of volunteers from the beginning of the year. If have any ideas, want to help, or want to send something you may text her at (903) 241-5544. THANK YOU CHRISTY!!!!!


Spelling words for the week: two, her, more, has, other

Continuing guided reading.

Science:The final week of penguin research is this week!

Math: We have been working on coins, and time to the hour HARD. We will begin time to half hour tomorrow. Anything you can do at home is helpful. Coins always get them and I think it’s because we don’t use cash and coins as much (thanks to the card) so if you have change anywhere, asking them to identify it and count it up will help them tremendously.

Writing: Adjectives review and adding into writing, along with the study of verbs being introduced.



Valentine’s Day Party Coming Up

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, February 14, 2017, in Room 118 from 11:15-12:15.  **Set-up 10:45- 11:15

Your child will be decorating white paper bags to carry their Valentines in. We need your help so they can be amazing! Please send stickers, glittery fun stuff, hearts, or anything to decorate our bags with. Also, if you could send white bags with handles on them, that would be great! Please send the materials by Wednesday, February 7, so I can get more supplies, if needed.

I do not currently have a volunteer for heading up the party, so if you would like to be in charge of assigning snacks, plates, drinks, etc. feel free to text me (903)985-0778 or email [email protected] and I will be sure you get the list of parents from the beginning of the year and what they would like to donate for our awesome PARTAY!!

I will be sending home a note with all the names of children so you can begin filling out invitations. We have 18 students so be sure you buy enough for everyone to have one! Thank you so much for all you do!



100 Days Smarter!!

This week we will be continuing guided reading, word work, and really focusing on comprehending what was read.

The spelling test will be Wednesday. Look for the spelling preview tomorrow.

Math: Students are continuing to focus on tens and how knowing partners of ten and how tens relate to 100. Time by using an analog clock and coins will be introduced with much practice. And as always, addition and subtraction in computation and problem solving never stops.

Science: We will be learning about penguins and researching facts. There are many books, websites, and videos about these cute guys.

Word Work/Writing: This past week, students learned about nouns and began identifying these nouns in their reading and writing. This week we will begin describing these nouns by using adjectives to describe them. We will be adding the describing words into our writing to add more details and make it more exciting


We are 100 Days Smarter and celebrated all day with some fun 100th day stations!!! Thanks for all the donated snacks! I’m sure they will be full of sugar by the end of the day.

Last week’s CHAMPS:

This week

Tomorrow is the final day to bring “Mother and Son Movie Night money! We need all money by 8am

Tomorrow is also the last day to help our Olivia with change and donations.

Wear a hat for “Thinking of Olivia

Wednesday, January 24th – Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day – “Purple All Over” – WEAR PURPLE!

Wednesday is also a regular full day.

This week we are back to having guided reading groups. Please continue reading every night.

Phonics: Nouns. Students learn a noun is a person, place, thing, or animal (something we can touch).

Spelling words: then, she, them, out, many, into, would, these, some, so

Math: Continuing with measuring and learning “How much longer” or comparing by using a “keeper fish” scenario. This is usually done with hands on interaction ,counting, and a subtraction number sentence problem.

Science: Arctic animals and studying of Antarctica that will set us up for a penguins study in following weeks.

I hope everyone had a restful weekend with some warmer weather! We definitely had a Texas week experiencing all the seasons, snow, rain, and tornados. Gotta love it!


Happy Monday!