Bat Facts

I forgot to mention, we are learning about nocturnal animals and particularly bats this week in science!

Talk to your kiddos about all the facts they have learned recently!!




  • Bats are flying mammals.
  • While others can glide, bats are the only mammals capable of continued flight.
  • There are over 1000 different bat species.
  • Bats are nocturnal (active at night).
  • Bats ‘see’ in the dark using a special skill called echolocation. Bats make noises and wait for the sound waves to bounce back off objects (an echo), if it doesn’t bounce back then they can safely fly forward. They can tell the distance of various objects by how quickly the sound waves bounce back to them.
  • Most bats feed on insects, while others eat fruit, or even blood!

These kids amaze me every day!! Thank you for allowing me to share them with you!

Upcoming dates

15374891-illustration-of-two-cute-little-monsters-stock-vector-monster-halloween-cuteI will be out of the room tomorrow, Wednesday 10-12-16. If you have any changes with transportation or emergencies please call the main office (903)291-2160. It will be taken care of promptly.


This week in…

Word work: blends – /tr/ /dr/ /pr/ /cr/ 

Reading: Guided Reading groups will continue.

Writing: Applying what we have learned in our writing. We have started our Class Interactive Halloween Story. We will also continue to write and use what we have learned in phonics and planning and revising and editing.

Spelling: 5 new spelling words- be, this, from, I, have.

Math: As always we will continue to practice using our math tools with problem solving and addition. We will continue learning about combinations and  start 2 dimensional shapes next week.

Upcoming Events:

October 21st-Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day

October 24-28th-Red Ribbon Week


October 25th-First Grade field trip to Calie’s Acres- NO DRESSING UP- wear tennis shoes and a white oak t-shirt.

October 31st-Halloween-NO COSTUMES

pumpkinThank you for all you do!


-Lacey James

Helping Hands

Some of you picked up a helping hand at Parent Orientation to help our classroom!

But, I forgot one important item. If anyone would like to contribute to our classroom… we would love some play-doh!

Any amount, colors, or brand will do!!

We use play-doh to strengthen our hands to make our penmanship better. We also use play-doh to practice spelling words.



We would really appreciate it!


Early Dismissal Tomorrow and Graded Papers Tonight



Tomorrow is early dismissal for teacher work day. Primary will release at 11:30. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up from school or from the bus on time. Car pickup- please wait until after 11:15 to line up. We needs for our Pre-K students to be able to leave before primary cars line up.


I am sending graded papers home tonight. Please look these papers over, praise, and talk about them. If there was something missed, also take time to talk about the correct answers.

monster books

Today we worked on combinations of 12. Here are some creative ways to compose the number 12~ We learned there are many different ways.


McKenzie chose 11 Ghosts and 1 Bat


Harrison chose 3 Lollipops and 9 Jelly Beans


Caleb chose 5 lollipops and 7 twizzlers

Thank you!


Upcoming Week

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend! This weather should make for a great weekend outside.

This past week was awesome! We even earned extra recess and a popcorn treat for earning 20 Little Critters! We explored our 5 senses while enjoying our popcorn!

We finished up using our 5 senses on a Nature Walk




Next Tuesday we will be having our spelling test. The spelling words that we learn to read, write, and spell are called High Frequency Words. That means they are frequently in books. All the words we are learning will be in every single book they read. It is so important to learn these words to become better readers and writers.

his, they, for, with, as, was, on, are, he, that

plus all the previous ones need to be known.

We had a little fun with our site words today with some shaving cream:





We have been learning about seasons and why they change. They really enjoyed learning with the globe.

We will continue our study about spiders and research about spider facts.

In phonics, we are learning blends. This past week we learned the “s” blends for example (sm- as in smile, sk- as in skate, st- as in star, sn- as in snail, and sp- as in spider. Knowing these will help them start a word correctly when reading and writing to help make sense of the story. We will continue to work on other blends (such as bl, sl, pl, cl,) followed by (tr, cr,dr) and so on.

In math we are composing number and finding different combinations. (2+5=7 and 3+4=7 and 1+6=7) We are also continuing to work on number sense and our favorite math strategies.

Please continue to read. A lot of our kids are improving! Thank you so much for reading with them. YOU are their first teacher!

I am loving these little ones and they make me laugh daily! Thanks for sharing them with me!

Also- Thanks to the parents that showed up for Parent Orientation! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better and the way things work in our classroom!!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me! [email protected]